监於中华人民共和国是一九八三年六月十四日订於布鲁塞尔、经一九八六年六月二十四日在该市订定的修订《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》的议定书(以下简称议定书)所修订的《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》(以下简称公约)的缔约国,并已於一九九二年六月二十三日向海关合作理事会(一般称为世界海关组织)秘书长交存加入书,该加入书自一九九三年一月一日起生效; 亦监於中华人民共和国於二零零五年七月六日以照会通知世界海关组织秘书长,公约适用於澳门特别行政区; 又监於世界海关组织秘书长在收到中华人民共和国有关公约适用於澳门特别行政区的通知书後於二零零五年八月九日覆照(第05.PL-0065E/S.R.号文件),根据公约第十四条第一款的规定,确认公约自二零零七年一月一日起对澳门特别行政区生效; 再监於尽管公约的法文正式文本及相应的葡文译本已公布於一九九九年十二月十七日第五十期《澳门政府公报》第一组第四副刊,但因技术理由,所公布的文本难以阅读,故建议将之重新公布; 同时,根据公约第十六条的规定,《协调制度货物分类表》第四修订版的建议已於二零零四年六月二十六日通过,并於二零零七年一月一日生效; 行政长官根据澳门特别行政区第3/1999号法律第六条第一款的规定,命令公布: —— 中华人民共和国送交保存实体有关澳门特别行政区的通知书中、英文文本的所适用部分及相应的葡文译本; —— 公约的英文正式文本及以该公约英、法文正式文本为依据的中、葡文译本; —— 议定书的英文正式文本及以该议定书英、法文正式文本为依据的中、葡文译本; —— 《协调制度货物分类表》第四修订版的英文正式文本及以该分类表英、法文正式文本为依据的中、葡文译本。 二零零六年十二月四日发布。 行政长官 何厚铧 通知书 (二零零五年七月六日第SHI TWAN WAI FA 139/2005号文件; 参阅:05.PL-0065E/S.R.号文件) “ (.......) 我谨代表中华人民共和国政府通知您如下: 根据《中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区基本法》,中华人民共和国政府决定下列公约适用於中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区: (.......) 《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》。 (.......) ” ——— Notification (Document Ref. SHI TWAN WAI FA 139/2005 of 6 July 2005; Ref.: Document 05.PL-0065E/S.R.) “ (…) On behalf of the Government of the People's Republic of China, I have the honor to inform you of the following: According to Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the Government of the People's Republic of China has decided to apply the following conventions to the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China: (…) Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. (…) ” International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System Preamble The Contracting Parties to this Convention, established under the auspices of the Customs Co-operation Council, Desiring to facilitate international trade, Desiring to facilitate the collection, comparison and analysis of statistics, in particular those on international trade, Desiring to reduce the expense incurred by redescribing, reclassifying and recoding goods as they move from one classification system to another in the course of international trade and to facilitate the standardization of trade documentation and the transmission of data, Considering that changes in technology and the patterns of international trade require extensive modifications to the Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950, Considering also that the degree of detail required for Customs and statistical purposes by Governments and trade interests has increased far beyond that provided by the Nomenclature annexed to the above-mentioned Convention, Considering the importance of accurate and comparable data for the purposes of international trade negotiations, Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to be used for the purposes of freight tariffs and transport statistics of the various modes of transport, Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to be incorporated into commercial commodity description and coding systems to the greatest extent possible, Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to promote as close a correlation as possible between import and export trade statistics and production statistics, Considering that a close correlation should be maintained between the Harmonized |