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基本信息 发文字号 效力级别 香港法规 时效性 现行有效 颁布日期 1970-01-01 实施日期 197...



效力级别 香港法规

时效性 现行有效

颁布日期 1970-01-01

实施日期 1970-01-01

发布机关 香港




























































附 表 香港外汇基金条例第66章









Whole document:

To make provision for the establishment and management of an exchange fundand as to the employment of its assets in Hong Kong.(Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4; 17 of 1979 s. 2)[6 December 1935]

1. Short title

This Ordinance may be cited as the Exchange Fund Ordinance.(Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4)

2. Interpretation

In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires--"bank notes lawfully issued" means notes issued in the Colony by any ofthe note-issuing banks in accordance with the provisions of The Hongkongand Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Ordinance (Cap. 70) and thecharter of incorporation of Standard Chartered Bank or any supplementalcharter of that bank, or issued in accordance with the above-mentionedprovisions as modifiedby this Ordinance, or the Bank Notes IssueOrdinance (Cap. 65); (Amended 20 of 1948 s. 4; 54 of 1956 s. 3; 7 of 1978s. 3; 76 of 1984 s. 2; L. N. 333 of 1989)"foreign exchange" means all currencies other than Hong Kong currency andincludes sterling and other Commonwealth currencies; (Amended 20 of 1948s. 4) "Monetary Authority" means the Monetary Authority appointed undersection 5A; (Added 82 of 1992 s. 2)"note-issuing bank" means Standard Chartered Bank, and The Hongkong andShanghai Banking Corporation Limited. (Amended 54 of 1956 s. 3; 14 of 1958s. 3; 7 of 1978 s. 3; 76 of 1984 s. 2; L. N. 333 of 1989)

3. Establishment control and management of Exchange Fund

(1) There shall be established a fund to be called "the Exchange Fund"which shall be under the control of the Financial Secretary and shall beused primarily for such purposes as the Financial Secretary thinks fitaffecting, either directly or indirectly the exchange value of thecurrency of Hong Kong and for other purposes incidental thereto. Thecontrol of the Financial Secretary shall be exercised in consultation withan Exchange Fund Advisory Committee of which the Financial Secretary shallbe chairman and of which the other members shall be appointed by theGovernor. (Amended 12 of 1946 s. 2; 26 of 1983 s. 2; 82 of 1992 s. 3)(1A) In addition to using the Fund for its primary purpose, the FinancialSecretary may, with a view to maintaining Hong Kong as an internationalfinancial centre, use the Fund as he thinks fit to maintain the stabilityand the integrity of the monetary and financial systems of Hong Kong.(Added 82 of 1992 s. 3)(1B) The Financial Secretary, in using the Fund for the purpose specifiedin subsection (1A), shall have regard to the primary purpose of the Fund.(Added 82 of 1992 s. 3)(2) The Fund, or any part of it, may be held in Hong Kong currency orinforeign exchange or in gold or silver or may be invested by the FinancialSecretary in securities approved by the Secretary of State; and theFinancial Secretary may for the account of the Fund buy or sell suchcurrency or such exchange or gold or silver or securities accordingly.(Replaced 25 of 1971 s. 2. Amended 8 of 1975 s. 2; 26 of 1983 s. 2)(3) Subject to subsection (4), the Financial Secretary may borrow for theaccount of the Fund either in Hong Kong or elsewhere on the security ofany asset held by the Fund or on the general revenue. (Added 25 of 1971s.2. Amended 26 of 1983 s. 2)(3A) There shall be credited to the Fund the value of any coinage issuedunder or by virtue of The Hong Kong (Coinage) Orders 1936 to 1978 (App.III, p. AA1) and the value of any proceeds of sale of such coinage afterit has ceased to be legal tender. (Added 26 of 1983 s. 2)(4) The aggregate amount of borrowing under subsection (3), other than oncertificates of indebtedness issued under section 4, outstanding at anyone time shall, subject to subsection (5), not exceed fifty thousandmillion dollars, or, if held in foreign exchange, the equivalent at thecurrent rate of exchange. (Added 25 of1971 s. 2. Amended L. N. 150 of1971; L. N. 125 of 1972; L. N. 56 of 1980; L. N. 173 of 1980; L. N. 363of 1980; L. N. 388 of 1981; L. N. 64 of 1987)(5) The Legislative Council may from time to time, by resolution proposedwith the approval of the Secretary of State, determine some other amountto be the amount which the aggregate amount of such borrowings outstandingat any one time shall not exceed. (Added 25 of 1971 s. 2. Amended 16 of1984 s. 2)

4. Certificates of indebtedness

(1) The Financial Secretary is authorized to issue to any note-issuingbank, to be held as cover for bank notes lawfully issued in the Colony,certificates of indebtedness in the form in the Schedule and to requiresuch bank to pay to him for the account of the Fund the face value of suchcertificates, or the equivalent in such foreign exchange and at such rateof exchange as may be determined by the Financial Secretary, to be held bythe Fundprincipally for the redemption of such notes. (Replaced 4 of 1951Schedule. Amended 26 of 1983 s. 3. 16 of 1984 s. 3)(2) The Financial Secretary may employ the funds paid to him in accordancewith subsection (1), for the purchase of foreign exchange or gold orotherwise in accordance with the provisions of section 3 (2) or for theredemption of certificates of indebtedness at their face value or theequivalent in such foreign exchange and at such rate of exchange as may bedetermined by the Financial Secretary. (Replaced 4 of 1951 Schedule.Amended 16 of 1984 s. 3)(3) The Financial Secretary may apply the proceeds of the sale of foreignexchange or gold for Hong Kong currency in accordance with section 3 (2)to the redemption of certificates issued under subsection (1). (Amended 12of 1946 s. 2)4A. (Repealed 64 of 1987 s. 31)

5. Preservation of limits on note issue

Nothing in this Ordinance shall empower any note-issuing bank to issuenotes in excess of any maximum limit laid down in any Ordinance or chartergoverning the issue of such notes, and in issuing certificates under thissection the Financial Secretary shall take into account such maximumlimits.(Replaced 4 of 1951 Schedule. Amended 7 of 1978 s. 3)

5A. Appointment of Monetary Authority

(1) The Financial Secretary shall appoint a person to be the MonetaryAuthority on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit.(2) The MonetaryAuthority shall--(a) assist the Financial Secretary in the performance of his functionsunder this Ordinance;(b) perform such functions as the Financial Secretary may direct; and(c) perform functions imposed on or assigned to the Monetary Authority byany other Ordinance.(3) The Financial Secretary may appoint, on such terms and conditions ashe thinks fit, persons to assist the Monetary Authority in the performanceof the functions of the Monetary Authority specified in subsection (2).(4) Notwithstanding subsection (2) (b) and (c), the Monetary Authority andpersons appointed to assist him under subsection (3) shall be regarded,for all purposes, as employed in connection with the purposes of the Fund.(5) In this section "functions" includes powers and duties.(Added 82 of 1992 s. 4)

5B. Delegation to Monetary Authority

(1) The Financial Secretary may delegate to the Monetary Authority thepowers and duties conferred or imposed on the Financial Secretary underthis Ordinance.(2) A delegation or a subdelegation under this section--(a) shall not preclude the Financial Secretary from exercising the poweror performing the duty;(b) may be conditional, qualified or limited as the Financial Secretarythinks fit;(c) may be to a person performing the functions of the Monetary Authorityfor the time being; and(d) may be amended by the Financial Secretary.(3) The Financial Secretary may include in a delegation underthis sectionpower to subdelegate the powers and duties delegated on such terms and tosuch person or to any person of a class or description, asmay bespecified by him.(Added 82 of 1992 s. 4)

6. Charges on Fund

There shall be charged to the Fund--(a) the emoluments payable to, and other staff costs relating to, thepersons employed in connection with the purposes of the Fund, includingthe investment thereof, and also including any appropriate share of suchemoluments or staff costs in respect of the services of public officers soemployed as part of their duties:Provided that the number of appointments and the emoluments of such staffhave been approved by the Financial Secretary; (Replaced 26 of 1983 s. 4)(aa) any expenses incurred in the issue and maintenance in circulation ofany coinage issued under or by virtue of The Hong Kong (Coinage) Orders1936 to 1978 (App. III, p. AA 1); and (Added 26 of 1983 s. 4)(b) any incidental expenditure whichthe Governor may approve as necessaryfor the due performance of the duties laid upon the Financial Secretaryand the Advisory Committee in connection with the operation of the fund.(Replaced 44 of 1936 S. 3. Amended 12 of 1946 s. 2; 20 of 1948 s. 4)

7. Audit of Fund

The accounts of all transactions of the Fund shall be audited at suchtimes and in such manner as the Governor may from time to time direct.(Amended 44 of 1936 s. 3; 26 of 1983 s. 5)

8. Transfer from the Fund

The Financial Secretary may from time to time, after consultation with theExchange Fund Advisory Committee and with the approval of the Secretary ofState, transfer from the Fund to the general revenue of the Colony or tosuch other funds of the Colony as may be authorized by the Secretary ofState any sum, or any part of any sum, in excess of the amount required tomaintain the assets of the Fund at 105 per cent of the total of--(a) the aggregateof the borrowings made under section 3 and for the timebeing outstanding; and(b) the aggregate of the face value of the certificates of indebtednessissued under section 4 and for the time being outstanding,and may for such purpose realize any of the assets of the Fund.(Added 6 of 1964 s. 2. Amended 31 of 1968 s. 3)[S. 4 (1)]


Certificate of Indebtedness for $_________________________________________This certificate issued under the Exchange Fund Ordinance (Chapter 66)represents indebtedness of the Hong Kong Government withoutinterest to _____________________________________________________________


for the amount of dollars ________________________________________________


and is redeemable at any time at the option of the Financial Secretary atits face value or the equivalent in such foreign exchange and at such rateof exchange as may be determined by the Financial Secretary.This certificate may be held up to the above-mentioned amount as cover forbank notes lawfullyissued in Hong Kong.HONG KONG.

19 _____

___________________________Monetary Authority.(Replaced 26 of 1983 s. 6. Amended 16 of 1984 s. 4; 82 of 1992 s. 5)



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