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【法规编号】 44221  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 1094 section 9)
  [24 May 1957]
  (26 of 1957 Schedule)
  Cap 1094A rule 1 CITATION
  These rules may be cited as the Munsang College Rules.
  Cap 1094A rule 2 THE COUNCIL
  Subject to the provisions of rules 3 and 4, members of the Council shall hold office for life.
  Cap 1094A rule 3
  The Executive Committee of the Munsang Alumni Association shall be entitled to elect one of its members to serve on the Council. Such member, however, shall retire at the second ordinary meeting of the Council held next after his election but shall be eligible for re-election by such Executive Committee.
  Cap 1094A rule 4
  Members of the Council shall vacate office-
  (a) upon failure to attend meetings of the Council for twelve consecutive months; or
  (b) upon ceasing to reside in Hong Kong or within one hundred miles thereof for six months without leave of the Council.
  Cap 1094A rule 5
  The Council may appoint, subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of section 4 of the Ordinance, additional members thereto, and may fill any vacancy occurring therein.
  Cap 1094A rule 6 MANAGEMENT
  The functions of the Council shall be-
  (a) to provide and maintain all necessary buildings, furniture and apparatus for the use of the colleges and schools established or maintained by the corporation;
  (b) to take all measures necessary for raising funds and for carrying on the work and administering the affairs of the corporation;
  (c) to elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, Supervisors and an auditor who shall be a person included in the authorized list of auditors kept under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32);
  (d) to appoint Principals, acting Principals and Bursars, to fix their remuneration and to dispense with their services;
  (e) to approve or reject recommendations by Principals or acting Principals for appointments of Heads of Departments;
  (f) to fix the scale of fees to be paid by students.
  Principals and acting Principals shall be responsible for the internal management and discipline of the colleges and schools established or maintained by the corporation and shall have power-
  (a) subject to the approval of the Council, to appoint, dismiss or suspend Heads of Departments;
  (b) to engage, dismiss or suspend any teachers, clerks, servants, and any other employees of such institutions employed by the corporation; and
  (c) subject to the approval of the Council to fix the salaries and emoluments of all such persons, or any of them.
  Ordinary or extraordinary meetings of the Council shall from time to time be held for the dispatch of business, and may be adjourned from time to time and from place to place. No meeting shall be valid unless a majority of the members of the Council are present in person.
  Cap 1094A rule 9
  Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 55 of 2000 s. 3
  (1) Ordinary meetings shall be held twice a year: one in the fourth week in January and one in the fourth week in July.
  (2) All ordinary meetings shall be held in Hong Kong either- (55 of 2000 s. 3)
  (a) at premises of the Munsang College; or
  (b) at such other convenient place as may be agreed upon by the Council, and named in the notice convening the meeting.
  Cap 1094A rule 10
  In the absence of the Chairman at any meeting the Vice-Chairman or in his absence a member elected by those present shall be chairman of the meeting.
  Cap 1094A rule 11
  All business brought before a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present; in case of an equality of votes the chairman of such meeting shall have a casting vote.
  Cap 1094A rule 12
  All resolutions carried as aforesaid by a majority of the members present and all acts done pursuant to any such resolutions shall be deemed to be the resolutions and acts respectively of the Council.
  Cap 1094A rule 13
  Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of the Council shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose and shall on approval by the Council be signed by the chairman at the conclusion of such meeting or by the chairman of the following meeting; and shall when so entered and signed be evidence of the facts therein stated.
  Cap 1094A rule 14
  (1) Notice of any Council meeting shall be signed by either the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, or the Honorary Secretary and shall be deemed to have been delivered to the addresses if it is left or sent through the post to their respective addresses registered with the Registrar of Companies.
  (2) Seven clear days' notice shall be given of every meeting, stating the time and place of holding the meeting and the objects or purposes for which the meeting is to be held.
  (3) Any notice sent in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) shall be effective although the member of Council to whom it is intended may at the time be absent from his registered address or may never actually receive the notice.
  (4) Proxies shall not be permitted at any meeting.
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