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【法规编号】 58668  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  not yet in operation
  An Ordinance to provide for the regulation and control of local vessels in Hong Kong or in the waters of Hong Kong and for other matters affecting local vessels, including their navigation and safety at sea (whether within or beyond the waters of Hong Kong).
  [ ]
  (Originally 43 of 1999)
  Cap 548 s 1 Short title and commencement
  not yet in operation
  (1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance.
  (2) This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour by notice in the Gazette. (Amended L.N. 106 of 2002)
  Cap 548 s 2 Interpretation
  not yet in operation
  In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "agent" (代理人) means any person acting in Hong Kong as agent for the owner of a vessel for the purposes of this Ordinance;
  "aid to navigation" (助航设备) means a lighthouse, beacon or buoy, and any cables, wires and other forms of communication apparatus connected or used with a lighthouse, beacon or buoy;
  "authorized officer" (获授权人员) means-
  (a) the Director and any public officer of the Marine Department of or above the rank of Marine Inspector Class II;
  (b) any police officer of or above the rank of Sergeant; and
  (c) any public officer authorized in writing in this behalf by the Director;"authorized surveyor" (特许验船师) means a person appointed under section 7(1) to be a surveyor for the purposes of this Ordinance;
  "beacon" (航标) means any light, mark or sign established as an aid to navigation, other than a lighthouse or buoy;
  "buoy" (浮标) means any floating light, mark or sign established as an aid to navigation, other than a lighthouse or beacon;
  "cargo" (货物) means any goods, container, pallet, material and solid ballast, vessels' stores, provisions and equipment, mail and passengers' baggage, carried, or intended to be carried, in or on a vessel; (Amended 70 of 1999 s. 17)
  "cargo handling" (货物处理) means-
  (a) the loading of cargo on, or the unloading of cargo from, a local vessel;
  (b) the transfer of cargo within a local vessel;
  (c) the transfer of cargo by a local vessel to or from another vessel; or
  (d) the hoisting, lowering, moving and handling of cargo or any other thing in any manner, on or from a local vessel;"certificate of ownership" (拥有权证明书), in relation to a local vessel, means its certificate of ownership issued under regulations made under section 89;
  "certificated" (领有证明书) means certificated under regulations made under section 89;
  "class" (类别), in relation to a vessel, includes type;
  "code of practice" (工作守则) includes-
  (a) a standard;
  (b) a specification; and
  (c) any other documentary form of practical guidance;"collision regulations" (《碰撞规例》) means the Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Signals of Distress and Prevention of Collisions) Regulations (Cap 369 sub. leg.);
  "Committee" (谘委会) means the Local Vessels Advisory Committee established under section 4(1);
  "coxswain" (船长), in relation to a local vessel, means the person having for the time being the charge or command of the vessel; but where there is no such person or the vessel is in the charge or command of a person under the age of 16, it means the person whose name appears in the vessel's certificate of ownership;
  "crew" (船员) means the coxswain and any other person employed or engaged in any capacity on board a local vessel on the business of the vessel;
  "dangerous goods" (危险货物) means dangerous goods within the meaning of section 1 of the Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Dangerous Goods and Marine Pollutants) Regulation (Cap 413 sub. leg.);
  "dead vessel" (废置船只) means any local vessel, other than a laid-up vessel which has a written permission under section 66 which is in force, which-
  (a) is, for any reason, unable to proceed under its own power;
  (b) is, for any reason, unable to manoeuvre with its own steering gear;
  (c) is, for any reason, unable to work its own anchors; or
  (d) has any part of the hull structure removed, or under repair, which may affect the water-tight integrity of the vessel;"detention order" (扣留令) means a notice under section 52(4);
  "Director" (处长) means the Director of Marine;
  "domestic premises" (住宅处所) means any premises used wholly or mainly for residential purposes and constituting a separate household unit;
  "dwelling vessel" (住家船只) means a local vessel which-
  (a) is used, constructed or adapted principally for dwelling purposes; and
  (b) tends to remain stationary in any area of the waters of Hong Kong;"dynamically supported craft" (动力承托的航行器) means a passenger carrying vessel that is operable-
  (a) on or above water and the weight of which, or a significant part thereof, is balanced in one mode of operation by other than hydrostatic forces; or
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