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【法规编号】 79645  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  An Ordinance to establish the Urban Renewal Authority for the purpose of carrying out urban renewal and for connected purposes.
  [1 May 2001] L.N. 92 of 2001
  (Originally 63 of 2000)
  Cap 563 s 1 Short title
  (1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance.
  (2) (Omitted as spent)
  Cap 563 s 2 Interpretation
  In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "auditor" (核数师) means a certified public accountant (practising) or a corporate practice as defined in the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50); (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 56)
  "Authority" (市建局) means the Urban Renewal Authority established under section 3;
  "building" (建筑物) has the same meaning as "building" in section 2(1) of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123);
  "business plan" (业务计划) means a business plan prepared by the Authority and approved by the Financial Secretary under section 22;
  "corporate plan" (业务纲领) means a corporate plan prepared by the Authority and approved by the Financial Secretary under section 21;
  "executive director" (执行董事) means a person who, by virtue of section 4, is a member and an executive director of the Board of the Authority;
  "financial year" (财政年度) means the period commencing on 1 April each year and ending on 31 March the year after;
  "land" (土地) means land, whether covered by water or not, of whatever description and includes a building erected thereon and where an undivided share of a leasehold interest in land has appurtenant to it rights to the exclusive use and occupation of a building or part thereof erected thereon, includes such share in the land and all rights appurtenant thereto, and any estate, right, share or interest in land;
  "Land Development Corporation" (土发公司) means the Land Development Corporation established by section 3(1) of the repealed Ordinance;
  "non-executive director" (非执行董事) means a person who, by virtue of section 4, is a member of the Board of the Authority who is not an executive director;
  "owner" (拥有人) has the same meaning as "owner" in section 2(1) of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123);
  "project" (项目) means-
  (a) a development scheme of the description mentioned in section 25;
  (b) a development project of the description mentioned in section 26;
  (c) a development proposal prepared in accordance with section 5(2)(b) of the repealed Ordinance; or
  (d) a development scheme prepared in accordance with section 13(1) of the repealed Ordinance,which is included in a business plan and approved by the Financial Secretary for implementation under section 22;"proposal" (提案) means a proposal for a project;
  "repealed Ordinance" (已废除条例) means the Land Development Corporation Ordinance (Cap 15) repealed under section 36;
  "Secretary" (局长) means the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands; (Amended L.N. 106 of 2002)
  "Town Planning Board" (城规会) means the Town Planning Board appointed under section 2 of the Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131).
  Cap 563 s 3 Establishment of Authority
  (1) There shall be established a body corporate to be named the Urban Renewal Authority which shall have such powers and duties as are conferred and imposed on it by, or by virtue of, this Ordinance.
  (2) The Authority shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and shall in its own name be capable of suing and of being sued.
  (3) The Authority shall not be regarded as a servant or agent of the Government or as enjoying any status, immunity or privilege of the Government.
  (4) Part VII of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) shall apply to the Authority and appointments to the Authority except where the context of this Ordinance otherwise requires.
  Cap 563 s 4 Establishment of Board of Authority
  (1) There shall be established a Board to be named the Board of the Urban Renewal Authority comprised of the following members-
  (a) a Chairman of the Board of the Authority ("the Chairman"), who is at the same time a non-executive director and is not a public officer;
  (b) a Managing Director of the Authority ("the Managing Director"), who is at the same time an executive director and is not a public officer;
  (c) 2 other executive directors, not being public officers;
  (d) not less than 7 other non-executive directors, not being public officers; and
  (e) 4 other non-executive directors who are public officers.(2) All members of the Board of the Authority, including the Chairman, shall be appointed by the Chief Executive for a term not exceeding 3 years.
  (3) The Managing Director is, by virtue of holding that office, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Authority.
  (4) The Board of the Authority shall be the governing and executive body of the Authority and as such shall, in the name of the Authority, exercise and perform the powers and duties as are conferred and imposed on the Authority by, or by virtue of, this Ordinance.
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