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【法规编号】 79342  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 354 section 33)
  [7 February 1992]
  (L.N. 19 of 1992)
  Cap 354B s 1 Citation
  This Regulation may be cited as the Waste Disposal (Appeal Board) Regulation.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 2 Interpretation
  In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "appellant" (上诉人) means any person who may appeal to the Appeal Board under section 24(1) of the Ordinance and who has given notice of appeal to the Chairman;
  "authority" (当局) means the public officer, collection authority, waste disposal authority or the Director referred to in section 24(1) of the Ordinance from whose decision or direction an appeal is made;
  "Board" (委员会) means an Appeal Board constituted under section 25 of the Ordinance;
  "Chairman" (主席) means the Chairman of the Board appointed under section 25(2) of the Ordinance.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 3 Commencement of an appeal
  Any person who has a right of appeal under section 24(1) of the Ordinance may commence an appeal under this Regulation by lodging with the Chairman a notice of appeal which shall be in accordance with Form 1 in the Schedule.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 4 Appellant to serve copy of notice of appeal and statement of particulars
  When lodging a notice of appeal under section 3, the appellant shall at the same time serve a copy of such notice on the authority and shall furnish to the authority and the Chairman a statement specifying the grounds of the appeal and including such particulars of the evidence to be adduced, documents to be produced, names of witnesses to be called as may suffice to ensure that the Board and the authority are fully and fairly informed of the grounds of the appeal.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 5 Further particulars
  If any party to an appeal requires further particulars from the other party relating to the appeal, he may within 7 days after the service on the authority of a copy of the notice of appeal under section 4 or such longer period as the Chairman, on application, may allow in any particular case, serve notice on the other party specifying the further particulars required, and the other party shall within 7 days after notice is served under this section or such longer period as the Chairman, on application, may allow in any particular case, furnish such particulars to the other party and lodge a copy of such particulars with the Chairman.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 6 Inspection of documents
  (1) Any party to an appeal may at any time serve notice on the other party to produce, within 7 days after the notice is served, any document relating to the appeal for the inspection of the party serving the notice and to permit him to take copies thereof.
  (2) Any party who fails to comply with a notice under subsection (1) shall not afterwards be allowed to put any such document in evidence unless he satisfies the Board that he had a reason for his failure to comply which the Board deems sufficient.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 7 Date, time and place of hearing
  Where notice of appeal is lodged, the Chairman shall fix the date, time and place of the hearing of appeal so as to enable the hearing to commence as soon as is reasonably practicable and shall, not less than 28 days before the date so fixed, serve on the appellant and on the authority notice of the date, time and place in Form 2 in the Schedule.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 8 Summons to witness
  Upon application by any party to an appeal in Form 3 in the Schedule, the Chairman may issue a witness summons in Form 4 in the Schedule to any person named in the application requiring him to appear before the Board to produce any document relating to the appeal and to give evidence.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 9 Appeal to be conducted in public
  The hearing of the appeal shall be conducted in public unless the Chairman of his own motion, or at the request of the appellant or the authority, orders that all or any persons should be excluded from the whole or any part of the hearing.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 10 Representation
  At the hearing of the appeal-
  (a) the appellant may be represented by a barrister or solicitor; and
  (b) the authority may be represented by a barrister or solicitor, including a barrister or solicitor who is a legal officer.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 11 Abandonment of appeal
  (1) The appellant may abandon the whole or any part of the appeal by notice in writing lodged with the Chairman.
  (2) When lodging a notice under subsection (1), the appellant shall at the same time serve a copy of such notice on the authority.
  (Enacted 1992)
  Cap 354B s 12 Failure of appellant to attend hearing
  (1) If on the date and time fixed for the hearing of the appeal the appellant fails to attend the hearing either in person or by a barrister or solicitor, the Board may-
  (a) if satisfied that the appellant's failure to attend was due to sickness or other reasonable cause, postpone or adjourn the hearing for such period as it thinks fit;
  (b) proceed to hear the appeal; or
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