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【法规编号】 44510  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 392 section 29)
  [10 November 1988]
  (L.N. 244 of 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 1 Citation
  These regulations may be cited as the Film Censorship Regulations.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 2 Submission of film under section 8
  A film submitted to the Authority under section 8 of the Ordinance shall be submitted-
  (a) at the office of the Authority; and
  (b) together with the form determined by the Authority under that section completed legibly and in accordance with any directions specified in the form. (L.N. 84 of 1999)
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 2A Submission of packaging under section 15B(1) of the Ordinance
  Packaging submitted to the Authority under section 15B(1) of the Ordinance shall be submitted-
  (a) at the office of the Authority; and
  (b) together with a packaging submission form in the form determined by the Authority under that section, which form shall be completed legibly and in accordance with any directions specified in the form. (L.N. 84 of 1999)
  (L.N. 2 of 1994)
  Cap 392A reg 2B Submission of advertising material under section 15K of the Ordinance
  Advertising material submitted to the Authority under section 15K of the Ordinance shall be submitted-
  (a) at the office of the Authority; and
  (b) together with the form determined by the Authority under that section completed legibly and in accordance with any directions specified in the form. (L.N. 84 of 1999)
  (L.N. 449 of 1995)
  Cap 392A reg 3 Classes or descriptions of films suitable to be exempted
  The classes or descriptions of films set out in Schedule 2 are suitable to be exempted under section 9 of the Ordinance.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 4 (Repealed L.N. 84 of 1999)
  Cap 392A reg 5 Fee payable under section 10(8)
  The fee payable under section 10(8) of the Ordinance is specified in Part I of Schedule 3.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 6 Symbols designating the classifications of films
  The symbols designating the classifications of films under section 12 of the Ordinance are set out in Schedule 4.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 7 (Repealed L.N. 84 of 1999)
  Cap 392A reg 7A (Repealed L.N. 84 of 1999)
  Cap 392A reg 7B (Repealed L.N. 84 of 1999)
  Cap 392A reg 8 Requests under section 17 or 19
  A request under section 17 or 19 of the Ordinance shall be delivered to the Secretary-
  (a) by registered post; or
  (b) at the office of the Secretary-
  (i) in person by the person making the request; or
  (ii) by a person authorized in writing in that behalf by the person making the request.
  (Enacted 1988. L.N. 362 of 1997; L.N. 84 of 1999)
  Cap 392A reg 9 Requests under section 18
  A request under section 18 of the Ordinance shall be delivered to the Secretary at the office of the Secretary.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 10 (Repealed L.N. 84 of 1999)
  Cap 392A reg 11 Fee payable under section 25(2)
  The fee payable under section 25(2) of the Ordinance is specified in Part II of Schedule 3.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 392A reg 11A Fee payable under section 9(5), 15B(3), 15K(4) or 29A(2)
  (1) The fee payable under section 9(5) of the Ordinance is specified in Part III of Schedule 3.
  (2) The fee payable under section 15B(3) of the Ordinance is specified in Part IV of Schedule 3.
  (3) The fee payable under section 29A(2) of the Ordinance is specified in Part V of Schedule 3.
  (4) The fee payable under section 15K(4) of the Ordinance is specified in Part VI of Schedule 3.
  (L.N. 465 of 1993; L.N. 447 of 1995)
  Cap 392A reg 12 Remission of fees
  (1) If the Authority is satisfied that any film submitted to be dealt with under section 10 of the Ordinance-
  (a) will only be exhibited free of charge he may, in his discretion, direct that the fee payable under section 10(8) of the Ordinance shall be remitted;
  (b) will be exhibited only once for payment he may, in his discretion, direct that nine-tenths of the fee payable under section 10(8) of the Ordinance shall be remitted;
  (c) will be exhibited by a bona fide film club or similar organization whose declared intentions are principally cultural and non-profit making and are accepted by the Authority as such, he may direct that such fee payable under section 10(8) of the Ordinance shall be remitted in whole or in part;
  (d) is the same or substantially the same as another film which has been submitted to be dealt with under section 10 of the Ordinance seeking the same or another classification and in respect of which the full prescribed fee under that section is payable or has been paid, he may, in his discretion, direct that the fee payable under section 10(8) of the Ordinance in respect of the film shall be remitted in whole or in part; or (L.N. 465 of 1993)
  (e) is the same as another film which has been approved for exhibition under the revoked regulations within the meaning of section 32(3) of the Ordinance, he may, in his discretion, direct that the fee payable under section 10(8) of the Ordinance shall be remitted in whole or in part.(2) If the Authority is satisfied that any film submitted to be dealt with under section 9 of the Ordinance-
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