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【法规编号】 61514  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 369 section 123(3))*
  [16 June 1969] L.N. 79 of 1969
  (L.N. 64 of 1969)
  * These regulations were made under the repealed sections 38, 99 and 105 of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance (Cap 281, 1974 R. Ed.). See section 119(1) of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance (Cap 281) and section 123(3) of the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 369).
  Cap 369B reg 1 Citation
  These regulations may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliances) Regulations.
  Cap 369B reg 2 Interpretation
  In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "accommodation space" (起居舱) means passenger spaces, corridors, lavatories, cabins, offices, crew spaces, isolated pantries and lockers and similar spaces;
  "approved" (批准) means approved by the Director of Marine or by any person authorized by him;
  "cargo space" (货舱) means spaces appropriated for cargo, other than mail and bullion, and trunks leading to such spaces;
  "control station" (控制站) includes those spaces in which radio, main navigating or central fire-recording equipment or the emergency generator is located;
  "crew space" (船员舱) means crew accommodation within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping Act 1948#; [cf. 1948 c. 44 U.K.]
  "length" (长度), in relation to a registered ship, means registered length within the meaning of subsection (6) of section 32 of the Merchant Shipping (Load Lines) Act 1967 (1967 c. 27 U.K.), and in relation to an unregistered ship means the length from the fore part of the stem to the aft side of the head of the stern post or, if no stern post is fitted to take the rudder, to the fore side of the rudder stock at the point where the rudder passes out of the hull;
  "Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Rules" (《商船(危险货物)规则》) means the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Rules 1965 (S.I. 1965/1067 U.K.), made by the Board of Trade and in operation from time to time in the United Kingdom;
  "Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ship Construction) Rules" (《商船(客船构造)规则》) means the Merchant Shipping (Passenger Ship Construction) Rules 1965 (S.I. 1965/1103 U.K.), made by the Board of Trade and in operation from time to time in the United Kingdom;
  "oil-fired boiler" (燃油锅炉) means any boiler wholly or partly fired by liquid fuel not being a domestic boiler of less than 25000 B.T.U. per hour;
  "oil fuel unit" (燃油机组) means the equipment used for the preparation of oil fuel for delivery to the oil burners of an oil-fired boiler and includes the oil pressure pumps, filters and heaters;
  "passenger space" (客舱) means space provided for the use of passengers;
  "passenger steamer" (客轮) means a steamer carrying more than 12 passengers;
  "Rules" (《规则》) means the Merchant Shipping (Fire Appliances) Rules 1965 (S.I. 1965/1106 U.K.), made by the Board of Trade and in operation from time to time in the United Kingdom;
  "sailing ship" (帆船) includes a ship provided with sufficient sail area for navigation under sails alone, whether or not fitted with mechanical means of propulsion;
  "service space" (服务舱) includes galleys, main pantries, laundries, store rooms, paint rooms, baggage rooms, mail rooms, bullion rooms, carpenters' and plumbers' workshops, and trunkways leading to such space;
  "settling tank" (沉淀柜) means an oil storage tank having a heating surface of not less than 2 square feet per ton of oil capacity;
  "Simla Rule Ship" (西姆拉规则船舶) means a ship of Class A, B, C, D, E or F as defined in the Merchant Shipping (Life Saving Appliances) Regulations (Cap 369 sub. leg.);
  "tanker" (液货船) means a cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature;
  "tons" (吨), in relation to the tonnage of a ship, means gross tons.
  # Please also see following-
  (a) in relation to the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, Part 3 of Schedule 5 to Cap 415 and s. 1 of Schedule 2 to Cap 508;
  (b) in relation to the Merchant Shipping Acts 1894 to 1979, s. 117 of Cap 281, s. 103 of Cap 415 and s. 142 of Cap 478.
  Cap 369B reg 3 Application of the Rules
  (1) Subject to the provisions of these regulations and to such consequential modifications as may be necessary to give effect to such provisions, the Rules shall apply in the case of a ship to which these regulations apply in the manner hereinafter specified:
  Provided that in the case of existing Simla Rule Ships which do not already comply with the Rules as modified by these regulations, compliance shall be deemed sufficient if such improvements as are reasonable and practicable are made with a view to providing substantial compliance with the general principles of the Rules as so modified.
  (2) In so far as the Rules are applied to a ship to which these regulations apply, references to the Board of Trade shall be construed as references to the Director of Marine.
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