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【法规编号】 82191  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 166 section 26)
  [24 August 1984]
  (L.N. 99 of 1984)
  Cap 166A reg 1 Citation
  These regulations may be cited as the Pawnbrokers Regulations.
  Cap 166A reg 2 Directions in and language of forms
  Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 71 of 1999 s. 3
  A form prescribed by these regulations shall be completed-
  (a) in accordance with any directions specified in the form; and
  (b) if an application form, in the English or Chinese language, or in both the English and the Chinese languages. (Amended 71 of 1999 s. 3)
  Cap 166A reg 3 Application form and licence form
  (1) An application to obtain or renew a licence under section 5 of the Ordinance shall be in Form 1 in the First Schedule.
  (2) A licence shall be renewed by replacement of the expiring licence.
  (3) A licence shall be in Form 2 in the First Schedule.
  Cap 166A reg 4 Form of general book
  The general book to be kept by a pawnbroker under section 12(1) of the Ordinance shall be in Form 3 in the First Schedule.
  Cap 166A reg 5 Form of ticket
  The ticket to be delivered by a pawnbroker to a borrower under section 13(1) of the Ordinance shall be in Form 4 in the First Schedule.
  Cap 166A reg 6 Form of declaration relating to lost ticket
  The statutory declaration to be taken by a pawnbroker under section 14(1) of the Ordinance shall be in Form 5 in the First Schedule.
  Cap 166A reg 7 Fees etc.
  (1) The fee payable to the Commissioner upon the grant or renewal of a licence under section 5 of the Ordinance shall be the fee prescribed in Part I of the Second Schedule.
  (2) The sum to be tendered to a pawnbroker for expenses upon the application of any person under section 14(1) of the Ordinance shall be the sum prescribed in Part II of the Second Schedule.
  Cap 166A reg 8 Hours of business
  (1) No goods shall be pawned, received in pawn or redeemed except between the hours of-
  (a) 8 a.m. and midnight on the day preceding Lunar New Year's Day; and
  (b) 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on any other day. (2) Any pawnbroker who contravenes paragraph (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5000.
  Cap 166A reg 9 Conditions to which licence is subject
  The conditions to which a licence is subject under section 8(1) of the Ordinance are as follows-
  (a) the pawnbroker shall comply with section 101(3) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221)(which section requires that where the pawnbroker has reasonable cause to suspect that any property which is being offered or delivered to him in pawn is stolen property, he shall, if he can in all reasonable safety do so, apprehend the person offering the same, and shall take possession of the property so offered) and if he does so, shall thereafter immediately inform the nearest police station;
  (b) the pawnbroker shall during the continuance of his licence carry on no trade or occupation at his place of business other than that of a pawnbroker and of the sale of goods that have become the property of the pawnbroker under the Ordinance;
  (c) the pawnbroker shall cause to be painted and kept painted in large and legible English letters and Chinese characters, over the door of his place of business, his or his firm's name at length, with the addition of the word "Pawnbroker" after the English name and the character "押" after the Chinese name; and
  (d) the pawnbroker shall maintain, in a conspicuous place at his place of business, a clearly legible sign in both English and Chinese stating-
  (i) the rate of interest on loans specified in the Second Schedule to the Ordinance; and
  (ii) that the liability of the pawnbroker under section 22 of the Ordinance for any loss or damage shall not exceed, in respect of any one article pawned, the sum specified in the First Schedule to the Ordinance, such sum being set out in figures.
  Cap 166A Sched 1
  FORM 1
  [regulation 3(1)]
  Application No. ..........................
  (Chapter 166)
  To the Commissioner of Police
  BEFORE completing this application READ the Note below.
  I ........................................... hereby apply for a licence to carry on business as a pawnbroker. In support of my application I submit the following particulars:
  A: Personal Details
  1. Name of applicant: ......................................................................................................
  2. Identity Card No.: ........................................................................................................
  3. Commercial Code No.: .................................................................................................
  4. Telephone No.: ............................................................................................................
  5. Residential address: ......................................................................................................
  6. Date of birth: ...............................................................................................................
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