To establish a college within the University of Hong Kong styled the College of St. John the Evangelist, and to provide for the incorporation of the members thereof. [27 April 1956] (Originally 20 of 1956) Cap 1089 Preamble WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a college within the University of Hong Kong, styled the College of St. John the Evangelist for the pursuit of virtue and sound learning with faith in God and within the order of the Anglican Communion; and to this end to provide accommodation for teachers and students of all races where they may live, study and worship together; and to promote extramural activities in Christian learning and service, that the members of the College may the better understand and fulfil their duty to God and their neighbours: AND WHEREAS it is desirable to incorporate the members of the said College: Cap 1089 s 1 Short title This Ordinance may be cited as the St. John's College Ordinance. Cap 1089 s 2 Interpretation In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires- "College" (学院) means the College of St. John the Evangelist; "constitution" (宪章) means the constitution set out in the Schedule and any subsequent amendments thereto; "council" (院务委员会) means the council of the College established in accordance with the constitution; "Master" (院长) means the Master of the College; "members" (成员) means the President, Master, Fellows, Honorary Fellows and treasurer, the members of the council, the graduates of the University who have been registered as undergraduate members of the College or of St. John's Hall or of St. Stephen's Hall and the undergraduates of the University registered as such and for the time being residing in the College; "President" (会长) means the President of the College; "rules" (规则) means rules made by the council under section 6; "treasurer" (司库) means the treasurer of the College; "University" (大学) means the University of Hong Kong. Cap 1089 s 3 Establishment and incorporation Remarks: Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 53 of 2000 s. 3 There shall be established in Hong Kong a college affiliated to the University styled the "College of St. John the Evangelist" by which name the members of the College are hereby constituted a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and with full power by and in such name to sue and be sued. (Amended 53 of 2000 s. 3) Cap 1089 s 4 Powers (1) The College shall have power to acquire, accept leases of, purchase, take, hold and enjoy any lands, buildings, messuages or tenements of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever situate, and also to invest moneys upon mortgage of any lands, buildings, messuages or tenements, or upon the mortgages, debentures, stocks, funds, shares or securities of any government, municipality, corporation, company or person, and also to purchase, acquire and possess vessels and other goods and chattels of what nature and kind soever. (2) The College shall further have power to grant, sell, convey, assign, surrender, exchange, partition, yield up, mortgage, demise, reassign, transfer and otherwise dispose of any lands, buildings, messuages, tenements, mortgages, debentures, stocks, funds, shares or securities, or vessels or other goods and chattels, which are for the time being vested in or belonging to the College, upon such terms as to the College may seem fit. Cap 1089 s 5 Government of College The College shall be governed, administered and managed in accordance with- (a) the provisions of this Ordinance, of the constitution and of the rules; and (b) the provisions of regulations made by the Senate of the University from time to time governing the residence, welfare and discipline of students. Cap 1089 s 6 Council (1) There shall be a council, which shall be the governing body of the College. (2) The council shall exercise the powers set out in section 4 and in addition shall have power- (a) to appoint Fellows and Honorary Fellows; (b) to make, and from time to time to alter, rules for the administration, control and management of the College; (c) to provide the buildings, premises, furniture, and other requirements needed for the College; (d) to enter into, vary, carry out, and cancel contracts on behalf of the College; (e) to select a seal for the College; (f) to prescribe fees; (g) to prescribe the duties of all officers whom it may appoint and to fix their remuneration and the terms and conditions of their appointments; (h) to fix the financial year; (i) to do all such other acts and things as may be requisite to give effect to the powers conferred on the council by this Ordinance.(3) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (b) of subsection (2), the power therein shall include power to make and alter rules for- (a) the election of members to the council: Provided that rules made under this subsection shall make due provision for the representation on the council of the graduate members of the College and of St. John's and St. Stephen's Halls;(b) entry, residence and discipline of students. |