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【法规编号】 44335  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (Cap 132, section 42)
  [3 March 1961](G.N.A. 31 of 1961)
  Cap 132CA s 1 (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132CA s 2 Application
  (1) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (2) This Regulation do not apply to any swimming pool- (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (a) (Repealed 78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (b) which serves not more than 20 residential units and to which the public have no access.
  (L.N. 123 of 1988)
  Cap 132CA s 3 Interpretation
  (1) In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "communicable disease" (传染病) includes amoebiasis, cerebrospinal meningitis, cholera, diphtheria, dysentery, enteric fever, gastroenteritis, acute inflammation of the throat, infectious hepatitis, leprosy, any form of tinea infection, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, pediculosis, scabies, scarlet fever, smallpox, any venereal disease or any generalized skin infection, trachoma, acute conjunctivitis and any other disease which the Director may, from time to time, declare to be a communicable disease for the purposes of this Regulation; (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  "Director" (署长) means the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene; (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  "residential unit" (住宅单位) means a separate household unit in a building constructed, used or intended to be used wholly for the purpose of human habitation; (L.N. 123 of 1988)
  "swimming pool" and "pool" (泳池) means any artificially constructed pool used for swimming or bathing and to which the public have access (whether on payment or otherwise ) or which is operated by any club, institution, association or other organization. (L.N. 40 of 1963)
  (2) Whenever the Director declares any disease to be a communicable disease for the purposes of this Regulation, a notification of such declaration shall be published in the Gazette.
  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132CA s 4 Prohibition of unlicensed swimming pools, etc.
  (1) Save under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Director, no person shall establish or maintain a swimming pool. (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  (2) No person shall take any part in the management of a swimming pool the establishment or maintenance of which has not been licensed.
  Cap 132CA s 5 Application for licence
  (1) Every application for any such licence shall be made in writing, addressed to the Director, and shall be accompanied by 3 copies of a plan, as nearly as may be to scale, of the swimming pool and the whole of the precincts thereof, and such plan shall include the following particulars-
  (a) the size and design of the pool;
  (b) the depth of water in all parts of the pool;
  (c) the position and size of all scum gutters;
  (d) all drainage and intake vents;
  (e) the position of any filtration or purification plant;
  (f) the position of any permanent steps or ladders leading into the pool and any hand rails or like fittings of a permanent nature provided for the use of bathers;
  (g) the position, height and type of any diving boards, chutes, rings or like fittings of a permanent nature provided for the use of bathers;
  (h) the layout of any paths or open spaces surrounding or adjacent to the pool, together with the means of entry to and exit from the immediate precincts of the pool;
  (i) the layout of any dressing rooms, wash rooms, showers, foot baths, latrines, canteens, stalls or other structures ancillary to the swimming pool; and
  (j) every part of the drainage system. (2) Every plan submitted for approval pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1) shall be accompanied by a statement in writing declaring-
  (a) the source of the water with which the pool will be filled;
  (b) the type and capacity of any filtration or purification plant which is provided; and
  (c) the material used for surfacing the internal surfaces of the pool and any sidewalk or standing space immediately adjoining the rim of the pool. (3) Every plan, or any modification thereof, which is approved by the Director shall be endorsed to that effect by the Director, and 1 copy shall be returned to the applicant and the remaining 2 copies shall be retained by the Director.
  (78 of 1999 s. 7)
  Cap 132CA s 6 Conditions for issue of licence
  (1) No such licence shall be granted unless the Director is satisfied in relation to the swimming pool in respect of which the application for such licence was made, and in relation to the premises pertaining to such swimming pool, that-
  (a) the plan referred to in section 5 has been approved by the Director and the swimming pool conforms thereto;
  (b) the source of the water with which the pool will be filled is suitable;
  (c) the underwater surfaces of the pool are made of impervious material and sufficiently smoothed to prevent undue accumulation of dirt;
  (d) every junction between a horizontal surface and a vertical surface inside the swimming pool is coved;
  (e) the pool is fitted with scum gutters of suitable size and adequate drainage;
  (f) sidewalks, not less than 1.2 m in width and paved or covered with suitable non-slip material, are provided on all sides of the pool, and such sidewalks are laid with falls away from the edge of the pool and drained to channels laid to falls; (L.N. 89 of 1979)
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