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【法规编号】 79424  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 187 section 18)
  [22 September 1978]
  (L.N. 217 of 1978)
  Cap 187A para 1 Citation
  This order may be cited as the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) (Exemption) Order.
  Cap 187A para 1A Interpretation
  (1) In this order, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "manufactured product" (制成品) in relation to any scheduled animal part or scheduled plant, includes-
  (a) any garment, tie, scarf, gloves, hat, or other articles of clothing or headgear, or any pair or set thereof;
  (b) any pair of shoes, sandals, boots or other articles of footwear;
  (c) any wallet, purse, bag, handbag, shoulder bag, case, suitcase or briefcase;
  (d) any belt, garter, braces or watchstrap;
  (e) any jewellery, adornment, tie-pin, cuff-links, cigarette holder, or any pair or set thereof;
  (f) any comb or spectacle frame;
  (g) any handle (including any knife or dagger handle), utensil, cup or cutlery, or any pair or set thereof;
  (h) any ornament, paperweight or other articles for display;
  (i) any furniture or furnishings;
  (j) any musical instrument; and
  (k) in the case of any tusk or part thereof of Elephantidae species (Elephants), any carved, polished or finished tusk or part thereof comprising, or contained in, any seal or chop, chess piece, or any article or thing referred to in paragraphs (e) to (h) or any other articles for wear or display;but does not include-
  (i) any skin (including furskin, raw hide or leather) or part thereof, other than that comprising, or contained in, any article or thing referred to in paragraphs (a) to (k);
  (ii) any stuffed specimen;
  (iii) any rug, carpet, tapestry or other articles of floor or wall covering;
  (iv) any whole shell; or
  (v) in the case of any tusk or part thereof of Elephantidae species (Elephants), any uncarved, unpolished or unfinished tusk or part thereof in whatever form;"personal effects" (个人财物) means personal effects or property- (L.N. 163 of 2000)
  (a) made from any scheduled animal part or scheduled plant comprising- (L.N. 163 of 2000)
  (i) in the case of any tusk or part thereof of Elephantidae species (Elephants), being a manufactured product imported by any person and of which the Director is satisfied is not for the purpose of trade or business, not more than one kilogram thereof; or (L.N. 335 of 1989)
  (ii) in the case of any tusk or part thereof of Elephantidae species (Elephants), being a manufactured product exported or intended for export by any person or otherwise in the possession or under the control of any person and of which the Director is satisfied is not for the purpose of trade or business, not more than 5 kilograms thereof; or (L.N. 335 of 1989)
  (iii) in any other case, any article or thing referred to in paragraphs (a) to (j) of the definition of "manufactured product". (L.N. 163 of 2000)(b) which are artificially propagated plants in their natural form. (L.N. 163 of 2000)(2) References in this order to any carved, polished or finished tusk or part thereof of Elephantidae species (Elephants) shall be construed as references to such carved, polished or finished tusk or part thereof as would enable the Director to be satisfied that such tusk or part thereof is complete or substantially complete for the purpose of consumer use, and references to any uncarved, unpolished or unfinished tusk or part thereof shall be construed as not so complete or substantially complete.
  (L.N. 215 of 1988)
  Cap 187A para 2 Exemption in respect of herbarium specimens
  Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Ordinance shall not apply to the import, export, possession or control of any dried and pressed scheduled plant in the form of a herbarium specimen.
  (L.N. 348 of 1985)
  Cap 187A para 3 Exemption in respect of certain animal specimens
  Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Ordinance shall not apply to the import, export, possession or control of any dead specimen of a scheduled animal or of any scheduled animal part which the Director is satisfied is for the purpose of scientific or educational study or for display in any museum.
  (L.N. 348 of 1985)
  Cap 187A para 4 (Repealed L.N. 335 of 1989)
  Cap 187A para 5 Exemption in respect of possession or control of certain scheduled animals, animal parts and plants
  (1) Section 6 of the Ordinance shall not apply to the possession or control- (L.N. 163 of 2000)
  (a) other than for the purpose of trade or business of-
  (i) any species of Psittaciformes (commonly known as parrots); or
  (ii) the meat of any species of CROCODYLIA (commonly known as alligators, crocodiles or gavials);(b) of any scheduled animal specified in column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Ordinance;
  (c) of any scheduled animal part specified in column 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Ordinance; (L.N. 163 of 2000)
  (d) of any scheduled plant specified in column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 to the Ordinance; or (L.N. 163 of 2000)
  (e) subject to subparagraph (2), of any artificially propagated plant specified in Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the Ordinance. (L.N. 163 of 2000)(2) Section 6 of the Ordinance does not apply to the possession or control of an artificially propagated plant referred to in subparagraph (1)(e), which is intended for the purpose of trade or business, only if a record of transactions in respect of the plant is kept by a person who is in possession or control of it in a form specified by the Director or in any other form which sets out the information required to be furnished in the specified form. (L.N. 163 of 2000)
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