(Cap 96, section 3) [30 July 1937] (11 of 1937 First Schedule) Cap 96A reg 1 These regulations may be cited as the Forestry Regulations. Cap 96A reg 2 No person shall without lawful excuse sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession or under his custody or control any portion of any of the following plants- Scientific Name English Common Name (for information only) Chinese Common Name (for information only) 1. Ailanthus fordii 2. Amentotaxus argotaenia 3. Angiopteris evecta 4. Aristolochia tagala 5. Asplenium nidus 6. Camellia species 7. Cyatheaceae species 8. Dendrobenthamia hongkongensis 9. Drosera peltata 10. Enkianthus quinqueflorus 11. Illicium species 12. Illigera celebica (=Illigera platyandra) 13. Impatiens hongkongensis 14. Iris speculatrix 15. Keteleeria fortunei 16. Lagerstroemia species 17. Lilium brownii 18. Magnoliaceae species 19. Nepenthes species 20. Orchidaceae species 21. Pavetta hongkongensis 22. Platycodon grandiflorum 23. Rehderodendron kwangtungense 24. Rhododendron species 25. Rhodoleia championi 26. Tutcheria spectabilis 27. Schoepfia chinensis Ailanthus Amentotaxus Mules-foot Fern India Birthwort Bird's-nest Fern Camellias Tree Ferns Hong Kong Dogwood Crescent-leaved Sundew Chinese New Year Flower Star-anises Illigera Hong Kong Balsam Hong Kong Iris Keteleeria Crape Myrtles Chinese Lily Magnolias Pitcher-plants Orchids Pavetta Balloon Flower Kwangtung Rehdertree Azaleas Rhodoleia Tutcheria Schoepfia 福氏臭椿 橞花杉 观音座莲 印度马兜铃 雀巢芒 各种茶花 桫椤科植物 香港四照花 茅膏菜 吊钟 各种八角 青藤 香港凤仙 小花鸢尾 油杉 各种紫薇 淡紫百合 木兰科植物 猪茏草 各种兰花 茜木 桔梗 广东木瓜红 各种杜鹃 红苞木 石笔木 青皮树 (G.N. 744 of 1937; L.N. 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 3 Remarks: Amendments retroactively made - see 29 of 1998 s. 105 Regulation 2 shall not apply to plants grown outside Hong Kong or on any land held from the Government under a lease, licence or permit or by virtue of an Ordinance. (L.N. 135 of 1993; 29 of 1998 s. 105) Cap 96A reg 4 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 5 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 6 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 7 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 8 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 9 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 10 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 11 (Repealed) (Repealed 135 of 1993) Cap 96A reg 12 (1) Any person who acts in contravention of regulation 2 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of $25000. (L.N. 135 of 1993) (2) (Repealed L.N. 135 of 1993) |