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【法规编号】 58770  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 369 section 107)
  [14 July 1995]
  (L.N. 318 of 1995)
  Cap 369AV s 1 Interpretation
  (1) In this Regulation-
  "bulk cargo" (散装货物) means cargo which is carried directly and without intermediate form of containment in the structural cargo spaces of a ship, and "in bulk" (散装) shall be construed accordingly;
  "cargo" (货物) does not include-
  (a) grain in bulk;
  (b) any liquid in bulk;
  (c) any liquefied gas in bulk; and
  (d) any substance forming part of the equipment or stores of the ship in which the cargo is carried;"Cargo Securing Manual" (《稳固货物手册》) means a manual which-
  (a) specifies requirements in respect of all relevant aspects of stowing and securing cargo on ships engaged in the carriage of cargoes other than solid and liquid bulk cargoes;
  (b) is approved by the Director or by an organization authorized by him for the purpose; and
  (c) is of a standard equivalent to or higher than the guidelines contained in the Annex to the MSC/Circular 745 (that is to say, the Circular of the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO of that number described as "Guidelines for the preparation of the Cargo Securing Manual"); (L.N. 85 of 1999)"cargo units" (货物单元) means units of cargo that are consolidated as such by the provision of a form of containment other than the structural cargo space of a ship;
  "Code of Safe Practices for Cargo Stowage and Securing" (《货物积载和系固安全实用规则》) means the code of the same name adopted by the IMO by resolution A.714(17)-
  (a) amended by MSC/Circular 664 (that is to say, the Circular of the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO of that number described as "Code of Safe Practices for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code) and Amendments to the CSS Code");
  (b) amended by MSC/Circular 691 (that is to say, the Circular of the Maritime Safety Committee of the IMO of that number described as "Code of Safe Practices for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code) and Amendments to the CSS Code"); and
  (c) as may be amended further from time to time; (L.N. 85 of 1999)"freight container" (货运集装箱) means an article of transport equipment (other than a vehicle or packaging) used for containment of cargo and which is-
  (a) strong enough for repeated use;
  (b) capable of facilitating the transport of goods by one or more modes of transport without intermediate reloading; and
  (c) capable of being readily handled and secured during carriage, and have fittings for these purposes,and includes any such container carried on a chassis;
  "grain" (谷物) includes wheat, maize (corn), oats, rye, barley, rice, pulses and seeds whether in natural form or in such a processed form that its characteristics resemble those of its natural form with regard to liability to shift when loaded;
  "Hong Kong ship" (香港船舶) means a ship registered in Hong Kong;
  "IMDG Code" (国际海运危险货物守则) means the 1992 consolidated edition of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code published by IMO;
  "IMO" means the International Maritime Organization;
  "Merchant Shipping Notice" (商船公告) means a notice described as such, issued by the Director, and includes a reference to any instrument amending or replacing that Notice which is approved by the Director and notified to this effect in the Gazette;
  "moisture content" (含湿量) in relation to a substance means the proportion of a representative sample of the substance consisting of water, ice or other liquid expressed as a percentage of the total wet mass of that sample;
  "pesticide" (除害剂) means-
  (a) any insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, acaricide or any substance (whether organic or inorganic) or mixture of substances used or intended to be used for preventing, destroying, repelling, attracting, inhibiting or controlling any insect, rodent, bird, nematode, bacterium, fungus, weed or other form of plant or animal life or any virus, which is a pest; or
  (b) any substance or mixture of substances used or intended to be used as a plant growth regulator, defoliant or desiccant,but does not include-
  (i) any purely mechanical device for trapping or catching insects, rodents or other animals;
  (ii) any purely electromagnetic or ultrasonic device for the control of mosquitoes, rodents or other pests;
  (iii) any antiseptic, disinfecting solution or preparation in clinical or sanitary applications; and
  (iv) any pharmaceutical product within the meaning of section 2 of the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap 138);"port authority" (港口当局)-
  (a) in relation to the port of Hong Kong, means the Director; and
  (b) in relation to a port outside Hong Kong, means the person having control of the operation of the port; (L.N. 85 of 1999)"ro-ro cargo spaces" (滚装货舱) means spaces, which are not normally subdivided in any way and extend to a substantial length or the entire length of the ship and in which goods (packaged or in bulk) which are in or on-
  (a) rail or road cars, vehicles (including road or rail tankers), trailers, containers, pallets or demountable tanks; or
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