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【法规编号】 61454  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 369 section 102)
  [2 August 1991]
  (L.N. 318 of 1991)
  Cap 369AF reg 1 Citation
  These regulations may be cited as the Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Load Lines) (Length of Ship) Regulations.
  (Enacted 1991)
  Cap 369AF reg 2 Interpretation
  In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "freeboard" (干舷) in relation to a ship means the distance measured vertically downwards amidships from the upper edge of the deck-line marked on the side of the ship to the surface of the water;
  "freeboard deck" (干舷甲板) in relation to a ship means the deck from which the freeboards assigned to the ship are calculated, being either-
  (a) the uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea, which has permanent means of closing all openings in its weather portions, and below which all openings in the sides of the ship are fitted with permanent means of watertight closing; or
  (b) at the request of the owner and subject to the approval of the Director, a deck lower than that described in paragraph (a), subject to its being a complete and permanent deck which is continuous both-
  (i) in a fore and aft direction, at least between the machinery space and peak bulkheads of the ship; and
  (ii) athwartships, a deck which is stepped being taken to consist for this purpose of the lowest line of the deck and the continuation of that line parallel to the upper part of the deck;"moulded depth" (型深) in relation to a ship means the vertical distance measured from the top of the keel to the top of the freeboard deck beam at side:
  Provided that-
  (a) in the case of a wood or composite ship, it shall be measured from the lower edge of the keel rabbet;
  (b) if the form at the lower part of the midship section of the ship is of a hollow character, or if thick garboards are fitted, it shall be measured from the point where the line of the flat of the bottom continued inwards cuts the side of the keel;
  (c) in the case of a ship having rounded gunwales, it shall be measured to the point of intersection of the moulded lines of the deck and side shell plating, the lines extending as though the gunwale were of angular design;
  (d) if the freeboard deck is stepped and the raised part of the deck extends over the point at which the moulded depth is to be determined, it shall be measured to a line of reference extending from the lower part of the deck along a line parallel to the raised part of the deck;"rake of keel" (倾斜龙骨) means the inclination of the keel to a horizontal baseline. (L.N. 36 of 2000)
  (Enacted 1991)
  Cap 369AF reg 3 Ascertainment of length of ship
  (1) For the purposes of Part IV of the Ordinance the length of a ship shall be the greater of the following-
  (a) 96% of the total length of the ship on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keel; or
  (b) the length measured from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline.(2) Where the stem contour is concave above the waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth, both the forward terminal of the total length of the ship and the fore side of the stem respectively shall be taken at the vertical projection to that waterline of the aftermost point of the stem contour (above that waterline).
  (3) In the case of ships designed with a rake of keel the waterline on which this length is measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline.
  (L.N. 36 of 2000)




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