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【法规编号】 61486  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 369 section 114)
  [19 January 1990]
  (L.N. 25 of 1990)
  Cap 369P para 1 Citation
  This notice may be cited as the Merchant shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Exemption) Notice.
  (Enacted 1990)
  Cap 369P para 2 Exemption
  A ship which is registered in Hong Kong on or after the date of this notice shall be exempted from the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) Regulations 1981 (S.I. 1981/572 U.K.) listed in columns 1 to 3 of the Schedule subject to complying with the conditions for exemption shown in column 4.
  (Enacted 1990)
  [paragraph 2]
  Particulars of Requirement
  Exemptions and
  Conditions for Exemption
  Citation, commence-
  ment, interpretation, application, exemption and revocation
  In this exemption, unless the context otherwise requires:-
  "'B' Class Divisions" ('B'级隔板) are those divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings or linings which comply with the following:-
  (i) they shall be so constructed as to be capable of preventing the passage of flame to the end of the first one-half hour of the standard fire test;
  (ii) they shall be constructed of approved non-combustible materials and all materials entering into the construction and erection of "B" Class Divisions shall be non-combustible, except where in accordance with regulation 12 of these Regulations the use of combustible material is not precluded.
  "'C' Class Division" ('C'级隔板) means a bulkhead, ceiling or lining which is constructed of suitable non-combustible materials not being an 'A' Class Division or a 'B' Class Division.
  "Certifying Authority" (核证当局) means the Director or any person authorized by the Director and includes in particular (if so authorized) Lloyd's Register of Shipping, The British Committee of the Bureau Veritas, The British Committee of Det Norske Veritas, The British Committee of Germanischer Lloyd and The British Technical Committee of the American Bureau of Shipping.
  "Director" (处长) means the Director of Marine.
  "Hong Kong Ship" (香港船舶) means a ship registered in Hong Kong.
  "Hong Kong tanker" (香港液货船) means a tanker registered in Hong Kong.
  "Non-combustible material" (非可能燃烧物料) means a material which when heated to a temperature of 750℃ neither flames for longer than 10 seconds duration, nor raises either its internal temperature or the temperature of the test furnace more than 50℃ above 750℃ when tested in accordance with an established test procedure to the satisfaction of the Director and the expression "combustible material" (可能燃烧物料) shall be construed accordingly.
  "Suitable" (适合) in relation to material means approved by the Director as suitable for the purpose for which it is used.
  "Surface spread of flame" (表面火焰蔓延) means the surface spread of flame when tested in accordance with an established test procedure to the satisfaction of the Director.
  "these Regulations" (本规例) means the Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) Regulations 1981 (S.I. 1981/572 U.K.) as modified by the exemptions and conditions of exemption set out in this notice.
  The Secretary of State may grant exemptions from all or any of the provisions of these Regulations (as may be specified in the exemption) for classes of cases or individual cases on such terms (if any) as he may so specify and may, subject to giving reasonable notice, alter or cancel any such exemption.
  The Director may grant exemptions from all or any of the provisions of these Regulations (as may be specified in the exemption) for classes of cases or individual cases on such terms (if any) as he may so specify and may, subject to giving reasonable notice, alter or cancel any such exemption.
  United Kingdom ships which undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting related thereto shall comply with the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) Regulations 1984 to at least the same extent as they did before undergoing such repairs, alterations, modifications or outfitting. United Kingdom ships which undergo repairs, alterations and modifications of a major character shall meet the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) Regulations 1984 in so far as the Secretary of State deems reasonable and practicable except where such repairs, alterations and modifications were commenced before or were carried out pursuant to a contract entered into before these regulations came into operation.
  Hong Kong ships which undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting related thereto shall comply with the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) Regulations 1984 to at least the same extent as they did before undergoing such repairs, alterations, modifications or outfitting. Hong Kong ships which undergo repairs, alterations and modifications of a major character shall meet the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Cargo Ship Construction and Survey) Regulations 1984 in so far as the Director deems reasonable and practicable except where such repairs, alterations and modifications were commenced before or were carried out pursuant to a contract entered into before these regulations came into operation.
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