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【法规编号】 79344  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 354 section 33)
  [11 March 1988]
  (L.N. 79 of 1988)
  Cap 354A reg 1 Citation
  These regulations may be cited as the Waste Disposal (Livestock Waste) Regulations.
  (Enacted 1988)
  Cap 354A reg 2 Interpretation
  In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "channel" (渠道) means a conduit, pipe, or trench used for the movement or passage of liquid livestock waste in, on or outside livestock premises;
  "collection container" (废物收集容器) means any container, bin or other receptacle provided by the collection authority, or a person licensed under section 10 of the Ordinance, at a designated place of collection for the purpose of collecting livestock waste generated or produced in or on livestock premises;
  "collection vehicle" (废物收集车辆) means any vehicle provided by the collection authority, or a person licensed under section 10 of the Ordinance, designed or adapted for the purpose of transporting livestock waste to a designated place of disposal;
  "communal sewer" (公用污水渠) has the same meaning as it has in the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358); (L.N. 310 of 1994)
  "composting" (堆肥) means a natural, artificial, chemical or biological degradation process whereby heterogeneous organic matter decomposes into simple or stable compounds by the action of micro-organisms and "composted" shall be construed accordingly;
  "designated place of collection" (指定废物收集地点) means a place designated by the Director as a place where solid livestock waste generated or produced in or on livestock premises is to be conveyed and collected for transportation to a designated place of disposal;
  "designated place of disposal" (指定废物处置地点) means a place designated by the Director as a place to which livestock waste is to be transported for disposal, and includes a livestock waste treatment plant not situated in or on livestock premises;
  "enclosure" (围场) means an area in or on livestock premises enclosed by a fixed structure on at least 3 sides (with or without a doorway), roofed over and made of wood or such other materials as the Director may approve;
  "free range livestock keeping" (自由范围禽畜饲养) means the keeping of livestock either wholly or partially in an outdoor environment; (L.N. 310 of 1994)
  "heterogeneous organic matter" (多种有机物) includes solid livestock waste;
  "in situ composting" (原址堆肥) means composting initiated or assisted by the movement of livestock, machinery or other mechanical apparatus in or on those parts of livestock premises in which livestock waste is generated or produced by that livestock;
  "liquid livestock waste" (液体禽畜废物) means-
  (a) the urine of any livestock; or
  (b) any livestock waste which flows, spreads or otherwise behaves as a liquid; or
  (c) the mixture of any liquid with solid livestock waste whether or not that liquid originates as livestock waste, has been treated under regulation 8(2) or contains any solids in suspension; or
  (d) any pigwash contaminated by livestock waste; or
  (e) any liquid used to bathe or wash livestock contaminated with livestock waste; or
  (f) any liquid used to wash or clean any livestock premises contaminated by livestock waste;"properly constructed" (适当建造、适当制造) means properly constructed in accordance with a standard specified in a Code of Practice relating to livestock waste and of such materials and of such design or type as may be prescribed in that code;
  "properly dried" (适当弄干) means dried to a moisture content not exceeding 85% by weight; (L.N. 310 of 1994)
  "saline waters" (海域) means the waters adjacent to the coast of Hong Kong;
  "soakaway-pit" (渗水池) means a pit or sump properly constructed in or on livestock premises for the purpose of allowing liquid livestock waste generated or produced in or on those premises to percolate into the adjacent ground or subsoil without any overload or overflow occurring, and includes any adits, pipes or trenches used in conjunction therewith to increase the rate of percolation;
  "solid livestock waste" (固体禽畜废物) means-
  (a) the manure of any livestock, whether or not that manure has been mixed with other materials or composted; or
  (b) liquid livestock waste from which the liquid has been drained, separated or removed; or
  (c) the properly dried sludge or other solids produced by the treatment of liquid livestock waste under regulation 8(2);"storage bag"(废物贮存袋) means any bag or other similar article of sufficient strength and durability as the Director may approve provided by a livestock keeper for the purpose of-
  (a) storing livestock waste generated or produced in or on livestock premises by, or in connection with, poultry; and
  (b) conveying that waste within those premises; or
  (c) removing that waste from those premises on the sale or transfer of that waste to any person,but does not include any storage container;
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