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【法规编号】 58690  什么是编号?
【正  文】


  (Cap 478 sections 96, 100 and 134)
  [2 September 1996]
  (L.N. 5 of 1996)
  Cap 478X s 1 (Omitted as spent)
  (Omitted as spent)
  (Enacted 1996)
  Cap 478X s 2 Interpretation
  (1) In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "chemical" (化学品) means any chemical listed in the following International Maritime Organization publications-
  (a) the General Index of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code;
  (b) the Index of Dangerous Chemicals Carried in Bulk; or
  (c) Chapter XIX of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk;"crew" (船员) means all seafarers employed on board a ship;
  "employer" (雇主) means the person for the time being employing the master;
  "IMDG Code" (《国际海运危险货物守则》) means the 1988 edition of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code published by the International Maritime Organization;
  "offshore installation" (离岸装置) means any installation which is maintained, or is intended to be established, for underwater exploitation or exploration;
  "seagoing" (海域航行), in relation to a ship, means any ship other than a ship which navigates exclusively within inland waters or in areas where port regulations apply;
  "submersible craft" (潜水艇) means any vessel used or designed for use under the surface of any waters;
  "voyage" (航程) means a journey from a port to the next port of call of a ship (which may be the same port).
  (2) Any reference in this Regulation to the British Pharmacopoeia, the European Pharmacopoeia, or the British National Formulary shall in its application to a particular case be construed as a reference to the edition thereof current at, or not more than 3 months before, the time when any requirement of this Regulation has effect.
  (3) Any reference in this Regulation to a publication (other than those referred to in subsection (2)) includes a reference to any amendment thereof published before the date on which this Regulation is published in the Gazette (and, in the case of the United States Pharmacopoeia, means the edition current at such date, as so amended); and shall include any document amending the same, or shall mean any new edition thereof together with any document amending the same, which is considered by the Authority to be relevant from time to time.
  (4) Any reference in this Regulation to a specified scale shall be a reference to that scale of medicines and medical stores specified in Schedule 1.
  (Enacted 1996)
  Cap 478X s 3 Application
  (1) This Regulation shall apply to all Hong Kong ships other than-
  (a) pleasure vessels or fishing vessels;
  (b) offshore installations whilst on or within 500 metres of their working stations; or
  (c) submersible craft unless being operated without shore or surface vessel support.(2) The Authority may grant exemptions from all or any of the provisions of this Regulation for classes of cases or individual cases on such conditions, if any, as he thinks fit and may, subject to giving reasonable notice, alter or cancel any such exemption.
  (Enacted 1996)
  Cap 478X s 4 Medicines and medical stores
  (1) The medicines and medical stores of the scale specified in column 2 of the table to this section shall be kept on board every ship satisfying the conditions set out in column 1 of that table in the numbered paragraph opposite that scale; and if a ship satisfies the conditions contained in more than one of the numbered paragraphs in column 1, medicines and medical stores kept on board shall comply with the sum of the requirements of the scales specified opposite those paragraphs.
  (2) Any ship falling within paragraph 3 of column 1 of the table to this section need to have on board for the purposes of complying with the requirement to carry the medicines and medical stores of Scale III only those medicines or medical stores laid down in the International Maritime Organization Medical First Aid Guide for use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods, 1985 edition (published by the International Maritime Organization) as the treatments to be followed after contact with the chemicals carried by that ship, or residues present from earlier voyages.
  (3) There shall be kept on board every ship on a voyage on which a medical practitioner is carried as a member of the crew, any additional supplies which he may reasonably require having regard to the size of the crew, the number of passengers on board and the intended voyage.
  Column 1
  Column 2
  1. Every seagoing ship
  2. Every ship authorized by virtue of a passenger certificate and general safetycertificate issued under Part II of the Merchant Shipping (Safety) Ordinance (Cap 369) to carry passengers within river trade limits
  3. Every seagoing ship carrying chemicals as the whole or part of its cargo in quantities carried in excess of those defined in Volume 1
  Section 18 of the IMDG Code, or the residues from earlier such cargoes4. Every seagoing ship carrying more than 12 passengers but not a medical practitioner as a member of the crew
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